The Most Affordable and Powerful System on the Market

Smart Provider 360 - Features

Smart Payroll is a click away

SP360 allows you to customize your payroll. Pay providers weekly, biweekly, or monthly. Provider profiles allow you to assign different pay rates for each service offered - it’s your choice if you decide to pay hourly or flat rate. Payroll is truly a click away.

Smart Payroll is a click away

Smart Interfaces keeps DFCS in the loop

SP 360 is the only platform that provides DFCS login. DFCS Case Managers are more comfortable using your agency because they can view client activity in real time - versus waiting until the end of the month to receive paperwork or calling to request notes for court.

Smart Payroll is a click away

Smart Invoicing equals less headache

Invoicing is, by far, the most tedious task for providers. SP360 will take all the headache out of the invoicing process. Automated and paperless invoicing will reduce errors and speed up your reimbursement time. Invoices are due by the 10th of each month SP360 users usually submit invoices on the 2nd or 3rd of each month. Reduce administrative overhead and increase company revenue.

Smart Payroll is a click away

Smart Accountability

SP360 truly monitors front and back-end service compliance. DFCS has immediate access to client information in SP360. Transparency increases employee productivity and continuum of care.

Smart Payroll is a click away

Smart Security is engineered from the ground up

The security of your records and confidential data is one of SP360’s top priorities. The system deploys numerous layers of AES-256 encryption that will protect your data when it is being electronically transmitted or stored. You can rest assured that your data is safe.

Smart Payroll is a click away

What’s Included

  • Upload DFCS SA (view and print)
  • Create Case & Person(s) Referred
  • Assign services to client
  • Authorize units and budget
  • Assign DFCS County & Referring DFCS CM
  • Assign to a Provider

Enjoy 300+ additional features at no cost